1990: Claire Cameron: Editor of Kilquhanity’s Jubilee Booklet

The “Minimalist editor” 

Kilquhanity’s Jubilee: Reflections and Creations 1940 -1990 was edited by former pupil Claire Cameron. Copies are perhaps still available from Kilquhanity Childrens Village.

The cover illustrations were designed by Sheila McKay. The inner front and back sketches as shown below are by Sam Booth, an ex-pupil.

The booklet  consists mainly of observations from John Aitkenhead and memories of time spent in Kilquhanity by members of staff and pupils. I have added some of these chapters as separate Archive articles. These can be viewed by clicking on the following Links:

1940s: Nan and Arthur Harrison: Kilquhanity's Jubilee booklet
1940s: Käte MacKinnon: Kilquhanity’s Jubilee booklet
1990s: Jacqueline McKie (nee Gordon): Kilquhanity's Jubilee booklet

The booklet also includes a selection of photographs which according to the editor were made available by John’s daughter, Lois Aitkenhead. Here they are.

Please click on the picture  below to search the Archive Articles Index page: