1947: James Grieve: Short Story by a Kilquhanity Pupil

Short Story: One in a Million

James Michael Trevlyn Grieve was the son of of Christopher Grieve  - better known as Hugh MacDiarmid - and his second wife Valda.

I don’t know his date of birth but I do know that was a pupil at Kilquhanity from July 1942 to July 1948 and that he presumably wrote the short story shown below which is dated 1947 during his stay at the school. On occasion John Aitkenhead would encourage pupils to enter essay competitions sponsored by newspapers and others and it is possible that this story was kept by John for that reason – or perhaps it was just simply because he liked it.

Appropriately later in life, J.M.T. Grieve became a journalist.

For another Kilquhanity pupil short story writer see the following (LINK) 

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