1960: The Earl of Lytton (1876 – 1947) 

Honorary Membership of the Lytton Society

2nd Earl of Lytton

Victor Alexander G. R. Bulwer-Lytton, 2nd Earl of Lytton was a British politician known for being an avid supporter of numerous causes. Among these were quite a few  involving progressive education such as boarding schools for disadvantaged children.

He spoke at several New Ideals in Education Conferences, and was a member from 1916 of the educational committee, The Little Commonwealth (Homer Lane’s former school). He also became chairman of the first Montessori Society. He wqs also involved in th creation of Garden cities - particularly Welwyn Garden City.

As shown in the letter below, in November 1960 The Lytton Society, based in Pennsylvania USA, invited John to accept an Honorary Membership of the society. 

It is unclear whether John accepted.

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