1990: ‘Two sad notes . . . "
Broadsheet 468 dated 18.10.1990: the Jubilee Postscript article ended with the following written by John Aitkenhead
Two sad notes have to be struck.
Even as we met that week (the Jubilee get together of the school), David Wilson (Grot), a former member of Staff in the 60s and well-loved leader of expeditions come hail, rain or snow . . . was killed in a climbing accident in the Coolins. The following week Morag and John attended the ceremony on Loch Leven side when his ashes were scattered on the waters of the loch.
One of the happiest people at the Reunion was Colin Steele, a pupil in the ‘60s. No one ever more closely identified with the Broadsheet than Colin. He lived for it, one could say. He typed more stencils than anyone else over a number of years; he ‘resigned’ oftener than any other ‘typist’ and signed on again as often. He loved the Broadsheet – that was when it was published in the Stable Loft. Within the week following the Reunion he died of a heart attack in his sleep.
In the normal sense Colin’s life was not a happy one. Yet without any doubt he was exceedingly happy back at his old school for that week. His father sent an unfinished letter Colin had written to Morag and John: ‘Thanks for an unforgettable experience. We must have more of these, more often.’ In his own way Colin was happy when he was a boy at school here. Of course Colin was exceptional. Isn’t there a saying about exceptions that prove the rule.’
Prior to the Reunion, Colin had written the following letter to John.