1981: The Scottish Assisted Places Scheme: Kilquhanity House School

Correspondence with the Scottish Education Department

There can be no doubt that the financial gain that the Assisted Places Scheme provided was a ‘lifeline’ to the survival of Kilquhanity House School.

The Assisted Places Scheme was established in the United Kingdom by the Conservative government in 1980.  Children who were eligible were provided with free or subsidised places to fee-charging independent schools - based on the child's results in the school's entrance examination (the fees contributions charged were based on an annual means test).

Kilquhanity was formally invited to join the scheme in December 1981

For the year 1985/86 Kilquhanity claimed £29538.00

A number of rather boring, formal letters came from the Scottish Education Department in the ensuing years concerning Kilquhanity’s applications.

In 1989 the school received a payment of £14,401.00

In 1989 John wrote the following ‘note’ to be placed in the Scotsman newspaper.

Claims for 1992 led to further communications.

Kilquhanity received the following Advice note for Spring term 1993

The Scottish Office would publish tables of Grant allocation for all Scottish School

For the year 1995/96 the school received a payment of £13249.00

By December 1995 the school was experiencing a range of difficulties in relation to staffing, pupil problems, John’s declining health and the sharing of ‘Headteacher’ responsibilities between Gavin Aitkenhead and Richard Jones – all of which are dealt with in more detail in other archive articles.

Judy Spinks, the teacher in charge of Kilquhanity’s Kindergarten wrote to John.

In her letter Judy refers to:

J.F.Buckle: The Official Correspondent, Assisted Places Scheme, The Scottish Office.
Richard Jones: joint Head of Kilquhanity and Woodwork teacher.
Christine Wilson: a member of Board of Trustees for Kilquhanity
A further payment of £11,356.00 was received in summer of 1996.
As the School faced closure it was still eligible for payments up until closure. However, visits by HMCI Mr Stalker and HMI Mrs Bowen raised concerns in relation the Assisted Places Scheme claims for Kilquhanity.

A final payment of £1806.00 on top of a previous payment for 1996 of £35,961.00 was paid in September 1998 – 18 months after closure.

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