1946: Aline Robinson: Kilquhanity Pupil

End of Term Report

End of term reports for all pupils, seem to have generally been initiated by John Aitkenhead for all pupils. Class teachers and House parents would then their individual comments for each child.

The reports below for the summer and autumn terms of 1946 were those for Aline Robinson, a pupil at Kilquhanity from January 1943 to October 1947. Her age is not given.

Summer term - July 1946

Autumn Term

The year 1946 appears to have been a turning point for Kilquhanity with John reporting that the summer term has been “one of the best term in the history of the school” followed by the autumn term producing the “best feeling of any for some time”. The solution to the schools water problems may have had something to do with it although it is worth noting that it would be some years before a spring fed, sand filtered, water supply would be dug and installed up on the hill above the school on Kilquhanity Farm.

Incidentally, the Blarney and the Gargoyle were ‘newspapers’ written on a wall board in the entrance to the main house.

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