1974: John Holt: Home-schooling
How Children Fail (1964), , How Children Learn (1967), The Needs and Rights of Children
John Holt was an American author and educator, a proponent of home-schooling and a pioneer in youth rights theory.
After a six-year stint teaching elementary school in the 1950s, Holt wrote the book How Children Fail (1964), which catalogued the problems he saw with the American school system. He followed it up with How Children Learn (1967).
Both books were popular, and they started Holt's career as an education consultant. By the 1970s he decided he would try reforming the school system and began to advocate home-schooling. He wrote a total of 11 books on the subject of schooling.
In 1974 he sent to John Aitkenhead a draft, typewritten copy of his new book Escape From Childhood: The Needs and Rights of Children.
I am not sure of the level of the relationship between John Aitkenhead and John Holt but from the nature of the letters it would suggest they were friends and held a level of respect for each other’s work.