1988: Jubilee Celebration: Planning and Organising

The 50th Anniversary of Kilquhanity School

Number 455 of the Kilquhanity Broadsheet dated the 18th October 1988 was a School Birthday edition. It also began the journey toward the 50th Anniversary celebrations that were planned to be held in August 1990. John Aitkenhead’s Editorial of the Broadsheet ended with the following short paragraph:

Our brave words about reaching No. 500 of the Broadsheet to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Kilquhanity as a school in 1990 will require some hard thinking and hard work if they are to be fulfilled. Wish us well.

Broadsheet No. 458 of the 10th February 1989 also included the following editorial:

Anniversary 1990

Gradually, very gradually, the plans and preparations to mark the 50th anniversary, in 1990, of the start of the school, are taking shape, falling into place, and the results of this are beginning to show.
The latest evidence is the completion of the project to have a distinctive heading or logo, for all the ‘literature’ that will go out in connection with the anniversary.
One of the plans is to contact by letter as many as possible of all the former pupils since 1940, and in the summer of last year Claire Cameron, who was a pupil here for 6 years in the 70s, offered to organise this, if we could supply names and addresses. 
Then in the Autumn Claire reckoned a logo would be valuable and suggested that the pupils here at present might design one. Her letter was read at the council meeting, and from Vivien’s* classes 29 designs were submitted, the remit being ‘a design to suggest the school and if possible, to incorporate the word “Appeal’ – since a Jubilee Appeal fund is contemplated. 
This project has now beem completed and the design to be used has been chosen. It is reproduced below.

* Viviene Manson was art teacher at Kilkuhanity in 1990. 

The Anniversary Logo

The Anniversary was next mentioned in the December 1989 Broadsheet No. 464. 
In the Editorial, John wrote:

The Jubilee
Next year by this time the school will be 50 years old and this special anniversary we plan to celebrate in several ways. Happy celebrations of a 50th birthday – that is the central theme, and that is exactly what jubilee means. Not a jamboree; something more profound and significant. So plans are taking shape for the following:
A reunion of former pupils and staff and friends from August 20th to August 27th 1990. Open house at the school so that people can visit meet John and Morag and staff and friends of former years. No resident accommodation at the school; possibly camping at Knockvennie, or B and B, in the neighbourhood. The possibility of a special event at the end of that week, as at 40th birthday.

An event near the end of the summer term possibly on the lines of Open Days in the past but mainly so that the pupils and staff of this present school can participate.

Publications: 1. A book of photos of a school year compiled by Vivien. 2. A book of contributions from pupils and staff, possibly including photographs and extracts from Broadsheets. 
This was the brain child of Claire Cameron a former pupil of the 70s, who has undertaken all the work of collecting contributions. She would be very glad of more responses to her requests.
 An Appeal for funds to ensure a source of capital for the continuation of the school into the next century. Details of this and of any special events in connection with it will be published with professional presentation.
Getting ever closer to the event, Broadsheet No. 465 dated February 1990 contained the following - also written by John.

A special year?
Into the 90s?
End of the 80s?
Two camps there are
Two camps there be
But however you vote
To choose we are not free
It’s our jubilee
You see.

And now that the actual year is upon us, the last of 50, gradually, our plans to celebrate it materialise; slowly we get our act together. Read on,  you might be involved.

Plans fall into two main divisions: those concerned with people still at school, staff and kids of course, and those concerning people who were here in the past. 
A Summer Term Event – or week of events. Only one thing is certain concerning this and that is the date. The first week in July – that is the second last week of the Summer Term. What can we do? 

This is a challenge that will not be repeated for a long time – if ever. What exciting thing could we think up that you would like to remember in 10 years’ time or boast about to the Kilquhanity kids of the year 2000? A play? A circus? A film? A fair or fete? An Open Day? We have to think, share our thoughts, organise and produce or present something memorable. Of course, the yearly cycle race will be held soon after this week. Could we make that special in some way, to mark a special year?

A REUNION is being organised by the Kilquhanity trustees. This will be for former pupils, former members of staff, and friends of the school. Date: the week from Monday, August 20th until Saturday, August 26th. Open House at the school all week so that people can meet and renew friendships. There will be exhibitions including photographs of people and events over the whole life of the school. Also during that week there will be a cycle race like the annual race – for ages 24 and under to 65 and over. Big money has been donated from across the Atlantic by a former pupil for prizes.

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