1973: Low Flying Aircraft over Kilquhanity

Aitkenhead's complaint about the noise from RAF jets flying over the Urr valley.

On the 14th May 1973 John wrote to the local MP John Brewis.

The letter reads:

Dear Mr Brewis,

I wish to complain, through you, about disturbance here from the noise caused by low flying aircraft. It seems to me and to others living at Kilquhanity, that the flights of these machines are taking place over this valley with increasing frequency, and if it is possible with increasing noise. Five minutes ago, say 7 pm, one such flight around the school here, direction roughly N.E., at a height estimated little over 100feet. The noise was terrifying to some youngsters, infuriating me. [It seems to me further, that complaining via the local powers bring only the semblance of satisfaction, and that even feature articles in the national press (see Scotsman a week ago) have little effect. What you are prepared to do about this I’ll be glad to know.

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